Guest Editor
The retail sector continues to make headlines, with news of store closures and liquidations dominating the media. Factors contributing to this turmoil include: The vastly overstored and overspaced U.S. retail environment Globalization and the invasion of sophisticated international retailers The...
By now, it has become cliché to say that mall anchors and in-line specialty stores are in a state of contraction, that the digital sales channel is cannibalizing revenue that formerly went to the brick-and-mortar channel. “Retail restructuring” has almost become an oxymoron. With rare exceptions,...
Leading retailers have long focused on internationalizing their businesses as a means of growth and diversification. In fact, two-thirds of the world’s foremost retailers have operations outside their home markets. However, broadening the geographic footprint and replicating success in multiple...
Through innovative products and experiences, retailers have historically harnessed change to their advantage. However, there has been a paradigm shift, and retailers are now undergoing a phase of disruption of their own that is forcing them to change how they do business. Many forces have...
Today, the customer actually is in charge. The seismic shifts in the consumer landscape have produced the “ultimate consumer”—not a demographic group defined by age but rather a mindset and set of expectations. Empowered by technology, embracing disruptive new models, and actively exploring an...
The state of brick-and-mortar retail in the United States is dismal. Companies are firing workers, closing stores, and filing for bankruptcy. In-store customer traffic is down, while online purchases are up. For big retail chains, the situation will worsen before it improves. Many retailers have...
In 1Q 2017 and into 2Q 2017, news of retail store closures and bankruptcy filings had become commonplace, with no sign of abating. Shifting consumer shopping habits and competition from fast-fashion retailers and e-commerce have led to a more competitive marketplace and, in general, decreasing...
Disruption is the new norm across the retail industry as retailers pursue the best omnichannel approach to engaging with their customers. The proliferation of internet retail and omnichannel delivery is resulting in new priorities for the in-store experience. Brick-and-mortar retailers must now...
Daphne Firth © 2017 Flavio R. Guarnieri
D aphne Firth is a co-founder and CEO of Solutiona Investimentos e Consultoria Ltda in São Paulo, Brazil. Solutiona is a master servicer of nonperforming loans (NPLs) in Brazil, specializing in the management of corporate middle-market secured loans. Firth oversees all aspects of the firm’s...
Heston Is New Bankruptcy Judge in Western District of Washington Mary Jo Heston , a member of the TMA Northwest Chapter for more than 20 years, was recently sworn in as a judge for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Washington . Chief Judge Ricardo S. Martinez of the U.S...