Yar Pirate Ipsum

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.

William Hass
William J. Hass, CTP , a former TMA chair and enthusiastic advocate for the organization and its Certified Turnaround Professional program, died on January 7 while on a ski trip in Breckenridge, Colorado. He was 71. Hass was found unconscious on a black diamond run at Breckenridge Ski Resort and...
Kevin Carey
The Hon. Kevin J. Carey has announced that he will retire from bench effective August 31 after 19 years, the past 14 of which he served as a U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge for the District of Delaware. A former TMA Global president and chair, Carey said he expects to remain active in the industry...
Change is hard. But change is necessary for growth, professional development, and brand building. In this year of opportunity at TMA, we are embracing change. We understand that, as we change the conversation we are having, and we will continue to have dialogue and debate so that as we journey...
Leader Board
One of the most rewarding aspects of volunteer leadership at TMA Global is the frequent interaction I have with TMA members from around the world. Although differences exist in local insolvency laws and restructuring customs, global turnaround professionals share a fundamental focus on improving...
In October 2018, Quintis Limited, with some 13,000 hectares (32,110 acres) of sandalwood to grow and harvest in Australia, completed a recapitalisation of its business and restructuring of the group balance sheet and debt instruments. The restructure design utilised Australian voluntary...
An emerging growth company is in its fourth year of life. Revenues are increasing by 20 percent or more year-over-year. The management team—frequently the founder and a few close confidants who signed on early—is excited, and its enthusiasm flows down through every level of the company,...
It is interesting that most of the press coverage in senior living cites an increase in volume from baby boomers aging into the space. Typically, these articles note that 10,000 people will turn 65 every day for years to come. While some believe that the heaviest baby boomer influx might still be a...
For some municipalities, the light at the end of the tunnel is becoming more visible, given an improving national economy and rising tax bases. For others, the road to solvency remains unclear. For all, determining a path to fiscal good health is paramount. Quite often, that complicated goal can be...
The Polsinelli/TrollerBK Distress Indices reflected a substantial increase in healthcare distress in 4Q 2018, even as the general index showed only a slight increase in bankruptcy filings and the real estate index fell. The Health Care Services Index stood at 550.00 in 4Q 2018, topping the previous...