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The Netherlands Chapter

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About The Netherlands Chapter

Turnaround Management Association, Nederland (TMA Nederland) is in 2008 opgericht om tegemoet te komen aan de veelgehoorde vraag meer professionals op het gebied van turnaround bijeen te brengen en heeft vorm gekregen met een bestuur van 7 leden. Turnaround Management Association (TMA) is een van oorsprong Amerikaanse branche organisatie (opgericht in 1988) voor professionals die zich richten op bedrijven in zwaar weer. TMA heeft wereldwijd 55 chapters en 8.300 leden.

Our Sponsors

Journal of Corporate Renewal

March 2019

Chapter Recent News


Wijzigingen in het bestuur van TMA Nederland

Turnaround professional Erik in 't Groen wint TMA Rising Star Award

Become Certified

The Importance of Certification

The CTP and CTA designations provide evidence of an individual's commitment to the turnaround and corporate renewal industry and also attest to a level of expertise that non-certified professionals may find difficult to prove. Completing the certification process provides a corporate renewal professional with a solid foundation to operate successfully in the industry and could very well enhance future earning power.

Turnaround Certifications

Benefits of a TMA Membership

"I've gotten a number of legitimate, 'for sure wouldn't have got the deal but for TMA' deals over the years."

-Brian Van Nevel, Spectrum Commercial Services Company, TMA Minnesota